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Data privacy


Do you need a data privacy solicitor in Dublin or further afield? Our team at O'Neill Litigation Solicitors have got you covered.

Data privacy

Your sensitive data is being processed by many organisations who are under legal obligations to handle your private information in a manner that ensures that only those who should have access to your data have that access. In Ireland the law is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Acts. Organisations such as banks, hospitals and service providers, take their obligations seriously, but unfortunately incidents arise whereby your data is mishandled. Common examples include information such as sensitive medical records having been sent to the wrong recipient, or incorrect credit scores being processed, often resulting in harm to the individual whose data has been mishandled.

If you have a concern regarding your personal data being mishandled, please call us to advise you accordingly.

For more information on data privacy policies contact our team today.

What cases do our data privacy solicitors cater to?

At O’Neill Litigation Solicitors we cater to a range of different data privacy cases throughout Ireland, such as:

Data breaches

GDPR issues

For professional data privacy services in Ireland, contact our team at O'Neill Litigation Solicitors today!

Can we provide advice on data privacy issues?

At O’Neill Litigation Solicitors, we are happy to advise you on data protection acts, policies and GDPR. Our team are experts in data privacy and are happy to answer any questions you may need to know about your case.

To avail of our expert standard data privacy services, contact our team today!

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